TechTarget Trade Publications
TechTarget Excellent professional publication sites covering several specific target audiences. The website is divided into several...
Professional Organizations
Professional associations/organizations can help advance your career, depending upon your job role. They provide opportunities for...
Cybersecurity Workforce and Career Tools
StartFragment The NICE Program Office is pleased to announce that the NIST Special Publication 800-181: The NICE Cybersecurity Workforce...
Quantum Computing
Quantum computing, what is it? Wikipedia Article on Quantum Computing Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on Quantum Computing...
Next Big Driver of IoT
Interesting Info-graphic about the next big driver for IoT devices. #IoT #InternetofThings #Career #Business #Financial
Starting a Cyber Security Career
People often ask, “What do I need to do to get into cyber security?” The requests are continuing to come in now that Obama says the...
Discount Certification Exams
Discount exams are available for CompTIA's A+, Network+, and Security+ and Microsoft Office Specialist certification exams. Las Positas...
Continuing Education Options
Updated 27 SEP 2016 There are a number of opportunities to engage in lifelong learning. The traditional college is a great place to...
How to be an Awesome IT Guy or Gal
How to be an Awesome IT Guy or Gal Anyone can get some certifications and be a great systems admin or developer but what does it take to...
Cyber Security Certifications
People often ask, “What certifications are best in cyber security?” My answer is to follow the numbers. By that I mean do some research...