The Dawn of the Planet of the Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning continues to progress and implementations of AI are continuing to ramp up. Recently...

Star Wars E:8
Geeky, Nerdy stuff! Arguably, the Star Wars franchise has given a place for science fiction in the mainstream culture. Many cultural...

Upcoming Movies 2017 and 2018
I always like to see what is coming up. 30 Movies That Are Going To Blow Everyone Away In 2017 24 Movies That Are Going To Blow Everyone...

Decorating my office
Being new to Las Positas my office started out a little barren. So I decided that I would bring in some of my Sci-Fi memorabilia or...

Book Review: Ready Player One
Ernest Cline’s “Ready Player One” is a book filled with references to video games, virtual reality, ’80s pop-culture trivia, geek heroes...

Catalyst: A Rouge One Novel
This is a great story to lead into the new Rouge One movie. The story is full of unabashed ambition, political intrigue, and ethical...

Dr. Strange
Ok so what did you think of the movie? What do you think about the cinematography and special effects? What did you think of the story...

Defender Luke Cage
I must admit that I don’t have much time to watch TV these days so I should be very selective on what I watch. I do have favorites like...

Gravity Demonstration
Here is a great demonstration of one theory of gravity and how it warps space-time. A great book that explains this theory well, at least...