Cyber Risk Update 7 APR 2023
Cyber risk update for the week of April 7th, 2023. Bonus Reporting to Council: Why Local Governments Should Use the NIST Cybersecurity...

Identity Management Day 2023
It’s important to be Identity Smart! Tuesday, April 11th is Identity Management Day, a day of awareness to educate business leaders, IT...

Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce Workshop - Cybersecurity for Small Businesses
Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce Workshop - Cybersecurity for Small Businesses https://business.livermorechamber.org/events/details/w...

Livermore Named Finalist in IDC's Smart Cities North America Award
Livermore's Cyber Safe initiative is dedicated to fostering a secure and inclusive cyber environment within the community. As part of...

Cyber Risk Update 17 MAR 23
Bonus Discovering the History Behind Secret Societies: Truth or Fiction https://www.learnsecurity.org/single-post/discovering-the-history...

Annual Cyber Reports
Here is a list of annual cybersecurity reports. Have we missed one? Verizon DBR https://www.verizon.com/business/resources/reports/dbir/...

Data Privacy Week 2023
When you think of privacy, what comes to mind? Closing your window shades? Keeping your phone screen locked?

The Livermore Valley Winegrowers Association Cybersecurity Presentation
The Livermore Valley Winegrowers Association Cybersecurity Presentation The presentation titled "Cyber Threats to Food and Agriculture"...

Cyber Risk Update 4 NOV 2022
Ransomware Is A Global Problem And Getting Worse. The White House has united dozens of nations and representatives from big tech...

The Crucial Role of CISOs in Local Governments: Ensuring Good Governance and Cybersecurity
"The single biggest threat to cybersecurity is misunderstanding." - ANSI ISA In recent years, the importance of cybersecurity has become...