Cybersecurity Heroes: A Look at How Organizations Empower Cybersecurity Awareness
Today is a special day, folks! We're flipping the script and embracing a positive outlook on cybersecurity! Usually, my posts tend to...

Cyber Risk Update 7 JUL 2024
Bonus Stuff Local Government Cyber Watch discord server. This server is focused on cybersecurity collaboration with local government...

Cyber Risk Update 24 MAR 2023
Cyber risk update for the week of March 24, 2023. Bonus National Security Threats Facing the United States: Insights from H.R. McMaster...

AI Chatbots: A Tool, Not a Human Replacement
AI Chatbots: A Tool, Not a Human Replacement - Observations and Future Applications Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots are becoming...

Overcoming Legacy Mindsets and Historical Biases
Overcoming Legacy Mindsets and Historical Biases: The Importance of Embracing Digital Transformation and Cybersecurity in Local Government

New Roles in Local Government Cybersecurity: A Guide to the CISO, BISO, CPO, and CSO
The rapidly changing cybersecurity landscape has forced local governments to reevaluate their approach to cybersecurity. With the...

Finding the Right Fit: Exploring Local Government Cybersecurity Reporting Structures
In a previous post entitled, "Why Cybersecurity Needs to be Separated from IT in Local Governments," I discussed the importance of...

Why Cybersecurity Needs to be Separated from IT in Local Governments
"The days of the CISO being completely IT-centric and as such being in a role under the CIO is gone. Managing security effectiveness and...

Book Reviews Q1 2018
My recent reading list has included a number of good titles that may in some way relate to cybersecurity. I freely admit that I am in...

We Need Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality is a hot topic now. What does it mean to the average consumer and what does it mean to the future of competition when it...