Vigilante Justice
Donald E. Hester
Warning, these videos have profanity. Student Erik Gallagher sent me a link to one of these videos. I found a few more. Here people are messing with scammers and stopping them from scamming other people.
“Found a great example of telephony denial of service, which can give a good analogy to DDoS as well.” – Erik
Revenge on a IRS Phone Scamming Company - Call Flooder
Revenge on a Tech Support Scam - Call Flooder [Surprised IRS Scam Too]
Scammers, I have come to bargain! - Call Flooder
Connecting IRS Scammers In The Same Call Center To Each Other! - The Hoax Hotel
The Angriest Scammer I've Ever Called - The Hoax Hotel
Scammer Shows Me Her Screen By Mistake !!!!!!!!