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The Dark and Deep

Donald E. Hester

Cybercriminals have a perfect platform for conducting cybercrime. The Dark web is the place where criminals hide, but that is not all that is on the dark web. What is on the dark web? Does it matter? What are the risk we face as a result of the dark web? Is the dark web the bastion of freedom and privacy? Some believe it is vital for freedom. Buyer beware.

Deep Web or Deep Net is the unindexed pages on the website. Dark Web or Dark Net is sites that provided privacy and anonymity.

Here are some videos that will touch on some of the issues I raised. What are your thoughts? Comment blow.

Quick Look: Cybercrime and Attacks in the Dark Side of the Web

Marco Balduzzi, Senior Researcher, Trend Micro

The dark web including Tor and FreeNet is that part of the Internet that is not indexed by search engines. For its characteristics of anonymity and confidentiality, cybercriminals started abusing it to conduct activities like illegal trading, malware hosting and recently targeted attacks. This talk will explore this cybercriminal ecosystem and provide insights on attacks and compromises in the dark web.

The Reality of the Dark Web: Fake, Funny and Fraudulent

Emily Wilson, Director of Analysis, Terbium Labs

The reality of the dark web goes against industry reports. Most of the dark web is legal, even ridiculous activity amidst drugs, fraud and other crimes. This session will look at the funny and absurd.

The Dark Net isn't what you think. It's actually key to our privacy | Alex Winter | TEDxMidAtlantic

There is a hidden Internet, completely separate from the surface Web. Documentary filmmaker Alex Winter spent several years immersed in this fascinating world and talks about how the battle for your right to privacy is being waged in this dark corner of the Internet. You may have heard the "Dark Net" is a scary underworld filled with crime, but Alex's findings will surprise you.

Alex Winter entered show business as a child actor on Broadway and came to prominence in the wildly popular BILL AND TED franchise. Winter’s latest, award-winning documentary DEEP WEB, recently had a critically acclaimed world premiere at SXSW and a broadcast premiere in the U.S. on the Epix network, to be followed by a worldwide release on all platforms in September 2015.

Deep Web & Dark Web as Fast As Possible

Is the "dark web" as scary as its name may suggest?

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